3rd generation NYC Chef

The Isidori Family has owned & operated restaurants in the NYC area since 1954. They represent 3 generations of Chefs & Restaurateurs. Their restaurants have spanned many New York City Boroughs to include Manhattan, Harlem, Brooklyn & The Bronx.

Fanny Isidori was the the matriarchic of the family. She was an award-winning NYC chef at her infamous restaurant The Villanova on 47th street in Manhattan which was described by the NYT as a posh eatery in 1964. Fanny feed the likes of many celebrities to include the Beatles & Mohammed Ali.

Arthur Isidori Sr was a master butcher from Pleasant Ave in Harlem. He also moonlighted as a restaurateur. During the day he butchered steaks & chops and during the evenings he joined his wife Fanny to help run The Villanova. She would hold down the kitchen and Artie would charm the guests.

Arthur Isidori Jr “Artie” was Joe’s father and best friend. He was trained by his parents and then he trained Joe. Artie was a cook and that’s all he knew. Back then cooking wasn’t a passion, it was just what the family did. He would say “Some people fix shoes, others lay brick. We cook!” He too was also an award-winning & acclaimed chef in the NYC area.

Arthur on smith

Arthur on Smith was a jewel box/media darling of a restaurant. The restaurant payed homage to Joe’s father & his families three generations of recipes. Joe recrafted those recipes with an intensely Seasonal New American Italian approached. Some of the best products one could find coupled with history & soul. Arthur on Smith was consistently rated in the top ten restaurants in Brooklyn and received great fanfare from many media outlets. Eater.com named Arthur’s Pasta Carbonara the best in all of NYC!